Monday, September 22, 2008

My Italian Mama

I don't know why my mother includes me on some of her email forwards. God, I love that woman, but sometimes I wonder what she's thinking! Last night she sent me some inciting fwd going on and on about how, "This is the scariest election we as Christians have ever had to face, and from the looks of the polls, the Christians aren't voting Christian values!"

I'm an idiot. I hit "reply all" and wrote: "Another perspective to keep in mind while we pray:" And now it's me against the world (of my mom's friends). Received this reply: "Another perspective. See video at" To which I responded (excerpt): "With all due respect, my purpose in replying to all with the pro-Obama link was simply to suggest that being a solid Christian who votes 'Christian values' is NOT necessarily synonymous with voting Republican (as the language in the initial email would seem to suggest). I am for life - absolutely. But I do NOT relegate my 'pro-life' stance solely to the issue of abortion. When we unpack the buzzword 'moral issues' we have to be honest; we have to affirm life everywhere we see it: in the homeless man on the street, in the child soldier in Uganda, in the welfare mom, in the immigrant child who has no papers to prove citizenship... When I take ALL of these issues into account, I may very well end up voting for Obama. Does that make me any less of a Christian? Does that mean I care any less about 'moral issues' and 'Christian values'? Just my two cents. Take it for whatever it's worth!" I almost added, "Constantine tried to regulate morality with less than stellar results. I dare say, we would do well to learn from history." but thought better of it.

I'm not big on politics. I'm beginning to think I should have just kept my thoughts to myself, but I'm in the middle of this now so might as well go all the way.

1 comment:

Mike Croghan said...

You are a brave woman, Jennifer Way. Or perhaps foolhardy. Really, what's the difference?

Good on ya, and here's hoping you emerge only minorly scathed. If not, just remind folks what Jesus says not to be. ;-)