Monday, April 30, 2007

So, I'm a "Generation Y Millenial"?

I’m not real big on labels because I hate feeling boxed in, but I suppose they can serve as a useful tool for explaining, understanding and grouping people. I recently discovered that, depending on which definition one uses (some say the cut off date is 1982; some say 1980), I am a “Millennial."

This weekend I camped out on the National Mall with ~ 6,000 Millenials and a [select] few Gen-Xers. I felt like I was back in highschool, or youth ministry or something. You know you’re getting older when you are NOT a part of the crazy group of people up chanting and dancing around to the pulsating beat of djembe drums at 1:30AM and instead are the person having to make a conscious effort not to yell “SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP!” Alas, the joy of youthful enthusiasm... Perhaps I’ve lost a bit of this, but I think there’s quite a bit still present in this “tail end Millenial.” Despite the lack of sleep, it was good to be part of the Displace Me event this past weekend and inspiring to see so many standing up as a voice for the voiceless.

So Saturday night I made my political statement and Sunday night I cheered Derek Webb on at Jammin’ Java as he sang, “We’ll never have a savior on Capitol Hill”. The irony of these two events, back-to-back amuses me. Pictures have been uploaded to flickr. :)

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