Friday, March 9, 2007

Crowds v. Closets

Thanks to Tara Leo for the use of this precious photo!

This weekend the Africa Faith and Justice Network (organization I'm interning with), in conjunction with a wide number of Christian denominations nationwide, is hosting a conference with the theme, "and How are the Children?" We've been working on this for a while now. I'm thrilled that the powers that be are allowing me to put together a prayer room for the weekend. In DC there is such focus on changing policy, petitioning law makers etc. While I recognize the importance of this advocacy work, my hope is that the prayer room will serve as a reminder of our need to draw from the source of true change -- the power of the Holy Spirit, our great Advocate. I keep reminding myself that even if only five people come, this will be a success, for as George MacDonald asserts, "God's greatest work has never been done in crowds, but in closets."
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