Monday, January 1, 2007

Saying "Goodbye" Sucks.

Saved in my drafts folder is a great, really spiritual-sounding post I started writing a few days ago ("There's No Place Like Home") . I'm still going to publish it because I know it's true, but to be honest, my feelings don't quite match up right now. It is harder to leave my wonderful NH friends/family/church than I thought it would be. I know I need to make this move and I know God is going to use this for good in my life and I'm excited about this next step, but that doesn't change the fact that it's hard to say goodbye.

There's No Place Like Home (draft referred to earlier)
I keep coming back to this thought: home is not so much about a physical location or a certain group of people (not to say these things aren't important); rather, home is anywhere the Spirit of God dwells. If the Spirit of God dwells within my heart, I'm home - regardless of my surroundings. I find this thought to be quite comforting in light of the fact that I'm not really sure of what/where to call "home" these days.

Two songs come to mind:
1) Rich Mullins sings "I'm home anywhere, if You are where I am" (Not sure what song that line is from, but I know it's a Rich song)
2) Jami Smith wrote a song entitled (appropriately) "Home"; I think it's going to be my theme song for the next few weeks.

Jami Smith

My heart fails
My mind falters
Sometimes my passion fades
Sometimes my desires change
Sometimes I turn my head and I look the other way

When I'm restless you are rest
When I'm helpless you are help
When I'm nervous you settle me
When I'm empty you fill me
When I've gone to far you gently bring me home
'Cause you are home

Home is where my history begins
Home is where you delight in me
Home is where your voice is in my ear
Home is where you dance with me

1 comment:

Sue Densmore said...

Hi, Jen -

The Rich Mullins tune is "Here in America," and it is off of the "A Liturgy, A Legacy, and a Ragamuffin Band." It is a great song - and if I recall correctly, appropriate to where you are right now.

Unless I do not recall correctly. Then it's just a great song.

See you -

Sue D.